Holiday Hiatus

So… I haven’t had a new post in a while. A couple of months, in fact. That’s because things have been pretty crazy, but I think everyone expects that during the holiday season. Between NaNoWriMo, Thanksgiving, getting sick for over a week (twice!), Christmas, New Years, friends, parties, babysitting, and more, finding time to really focus on writing this blog was nigh impossible. I did sit down and try a few times, but everything I wrote came out jumbled, incoherent, and would only serve to muddy the waters on the whole subject. So I decided to wait until I could refocus and really gather my thoughts, getting back to the outline I started with and proceed in the well thought out, methodical manner I originally intended. Hopefully this cold I am presently fighting off will go away completely in the next couple of days, at which point I can work with a clear mind and get back on track. But for now, my mind is too foggy to focus on any one thing for very long… back to vegging!

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